You probably already have heard this saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” The same principle applies to landing pages. Use images that are: Large and high quality. Never used blurred pictures; Images relevant to your product or service; Attention-grabbing photos. Some of the pointers that I use to make sure my image is kick-ass are as follows: Optimized image sizes and loading times Who wants a website to take a shitload of time to even load - might be even to put visitors to sleep, never mind take a buying action. Action step : Ditch slow-loading images that take longer than 3 seconds to load. Alt text for the images for increased visibility and SEO Adding Alt-text is a simple step, yet it can be easily missed or forgotten. Alt text (alternative text) describes how an image appears or functions on a page. Screen readers, which visually impaired people use, read aloud alt text. Action steps: The Alt text option is usually accessible by image properties. Sim...
Reviews, customer logos, and testimonials - Social proof proves that others have taken your offer and experienced the advantages you claim. It promotes trust and persuades others to have it as well. People are much more likely to do business with sellers whose products or services have been validated by other buyers. This is called ‘social proof’. I never underestimate the power of: Reviews: I always ask my customers to write genuine reviews. Deal-breakers are usually fake reviews, most customers can pick up those in a notch, especially if they sound robotic. Deal-makers are personal reviews where past customers share experiences regarding my product/service and most importantly, how they felt . Nobody expects flawless perfection: If my page shows all positive reviews and no negative ones, it can project shadiness. Point to note: Customers know things do go wrong in a while, they are more interested in how you dealt with an unforeseen situation. How to add social proof to your...